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  • arianabrancato7

Faces of FSL: April 5

Xena Moore, a member of PC’15 from Chi Omega and December 2018 graduate, continues to apply her passion for involvement and the skills she gained through her sorority experience to her life as a K-State graduate.

Throughout her years at K-State, Xena got involved in many activities, including serving as the Director of Recruitment for the Panhellenic Council in 2017 and 2018. Being a part of Greek life provided Xena with some of her favorite memories and closest friends throughout college. Among these, Xena loved living with her friends from Chi Omega, organizing recruitment and initiating her younger sister, Drayvhen, into Chi Omega. Additionally, the skills she gained through her leadership positions have benefited her throughout medical school.

“I attribute my success and drive in college to the connections I made as a sorority member! I am still asked questions about my experience organizing recruitment, which also helped me get into medical school!” said Xena. “It gave me the opportunity to meet so many incredible women from all chapters, most of all the women on both my Panhellenic Boards I served on who supported and inspired me endlessly. I do not know how I would have made it through college without the support I was offered through FSL.”

Now in her second year of medical school at KU School of Medicine, Xena is working towards her goal of becoming a physician. While the workload is extremely difficult, small moments like attending ‘med school prom’ bring a lot of joy to the experience. Within medical school, Xena’s passion for involvement has continued. She has gotten involved as the Executive Director of JayDoc, a free clinic in Kansas City; developed and managed the Wyandotte County COVID-19 call-line; and was elected to the national Operating Committee of the Society of Student Run Free Clinics.

While living in Kansas City, Xena has continued to stay involved with Greek life through the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Panhellenic, which has allowed her to stay connected and meet local Panhellenic women. Xena was also awarded the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Panhellenic scholarship.

To active sorority members, Xena would say: “In friendship, constantly put yourself out there in new situations to connect with other women in your sorority or other chapters! I struggled a lot in the beginning of college not knowing where I fit in, but I took a chance on befriending group of girls I wasn’t very close with at the end of sophomore year, and it was the best decision I made in college. You will find your group, and maybe your best friends, if you continue to put yourself out there. Say yes to every event, club, date party, professor walk-in hours, and invitation that you can, even if you don’t feel like it at the time. The networking skills and connections that you make will probably be very useful for you later in life, and you never know what amazing life experience and memories you will get out of it too!”

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