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Weekly Greek Newsletter: February 23-29, 2020

Updated: Mar 3, 2020

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading the Weekly Greek Newsletter. Below is information that is going on this week and month as well as anything else that is happening in the near future. If you have any questions, the contact information is at the bottom of the page.

Go Cats!


Upcoming Philanthropy Events

Delta Desserts: This Thursday at the

Phi Delta Theta house from 7-9pm!

Sigma Alpha Epsilon's Paddy Murphy Week is this week. Make sure your chapter is getting all possible points and come to the SAE house on Thursday for Mac & Cheese from 6:30-9:30pm.

Delta Delta Delta and Pi Kappa Alpha have teamed up to host a silent and live auction next Sunday from 7-9pm at the Pike house!


Important News

Fraternity and Sorority Life at K-State is coming to you!

FSL at K-State will be visiting Kansas City and Wichita in late April to give incoming students a glimpse into the Greek Experience!

There will also be a virtual webinar in April to those who are unable to make it to the Wichita and Kansas City dates.

PHC's Year in Review: 2019


Community Feature

Sara Partin, the Director of Public Relations for PHC, sat down with Ariana Harland, the President of Delta Delta Delta, to ask her about her experience as a leader and member of the Greek community at K-State. Ariana had many valuable things to say about her experience and how it relates to her identity.

At first, Ariana did not consider herself to be a sorority woman and only considered it after her coworkers and father mentioned it to her. Her father was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha on campus and he encouraged her to join a sorority to create the same bonds he did. At first, she was worried that her race would affect how people saw her and would prevent her from being involved in a chapter, but she immediately found that case to be the opposite of what she feared.

Pulling up to the Tri Delta chapter during recruitment week, Ariana instantly knew this chapter was where she was meant to be. She loved how energetic the women were and she felt as if she could be herself with all of the women she met. Ariana never envisioned herself as being the President of Tri Delta before holding any other positions within the chapter, but an overwhelming amount of upperclassmen came to her with the proposition, and she felt honored for their consideration. She wanted to be on the executive board, but she was nervous because she had never had any leadership experience within her chapter and she didn't know how she would do. She feared losing her friends with the win of her presidency.

However, since becoming President, Ariana has become even more enthusiastic for the Greek community and values the connections she has and will continue to build. Everyone she has met has provided her with another lens through which she can see the world. What sets FSL at K-State apart from other organizations in her opinion is that members of all chapters are so much more involved and invested in the community than what stereotypes would typically recognize. She also said that chapters' academic and programming opportunities help hold members to higher standards and presents them with challenges to uphold a strong sense of involvement on and off campus.

Thank you so much for meeting with us, Ariana. We cannot wait to see what you accomplish with the rest of your term!


UPComing Events


If you'd like to get in contact with FSL at K-State to find out more about any of this information, please email or call (785) 532-5546.

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