Philanthropy Events:
There are none for this week!
Upcoming FSL Events:
Fake Patty's, Real Advice: Come hear a talk on the Tuesday after Spring Break to learn about your rights and the best safety practices on Fake Patty's Day!
For any questions, email or call (785) 532-5546.
Greek Life is Coming to You!
FSL at K-State will be visiting Kansas City and Wichita in late April to give incoming students a glimpse into the Greek Experience!
There will also be a virtual webinar in April to those who are unable to make it to the Wichita and Kansas City dates.
Community Features:
Black Student Union Wins Outstanding Big XII Council of the Year
Last week, the Black Student Union here on campus was named Outstanding Big XII Council of the Year! The Black Student Union at K-State has won this award for the last 12 out of 15 years for the work they have done on campus to provide students with the most valuable experiences possible, even as freshmen. They have implemented programs on campus and continued to educate to educate K-State, and push for diversity and inclusion community change.
The submission process for this award consists of submitting a skit, a book of all the work and deliverables the council has created to help impact the University, and other things. This process is rigorous and extensive, and we are so proud to know that the Black Student Union has been able to achieve such an honor for so long. Congratulations for all of your hard work!
Fraternal Excellence Awards held last week
Last Wednesday, FSL hosted the Fraternal Excellence Awards to recognize chapters on campus for their high achievements. Certain chapters won awards based on their submissions for a council to choose based on merit and achievements, and other awards were given based on what Fraternity and Sorority Life saw chapters doing.
Pictured (from left to right): Alpha Xi Delta, Chapter of the Year; Theta Xi, President’s Award for Fraternal Excellence; Phi Delta Theta, Chapter of the Year; Gamma Phi Beta, Most Outstanding Chapter Member and Chapter President of the Year.
While FSL cannot recognize every chapter on campus for their amazing work at the ceremony, we commend all of the men, women, and chapters at K-State who are trying to make a difference and be the change that is needed on campus. Keep working hard and doing amazing things!
Click the pictures to nominate yourself or another person for these two opportunities!
UPC Events
If you'd like to get in contact with FSL at K-State to find out more about any of this information, please email or call (785) 532-5546.