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Fraternity Recruitment

The recruitment process for IFC fraternities is an informal, year-round processChapters are actively recruiting for Spring 2023 & Fall 2024 virtually and in-person during this time. Submit your profile below today to send your information to every chapter! Fraternities use an informal mutual selection process to recruit members for their chapter. This process is 365 days a year and it allows students to really narrow down the fraternity they feel they fit best with. Chapters may host recruitment events such as barbecues, sporting events, and dinners either in Manhattan or a place near your hometown. Chapters will designate two to three recruitment chairmen that head up the process for each organization - these are the people to reach out to. Ask to go see their facility and meet some of the other guys in the house to see if that chapter is right for you. You can fill out the profile below to send your information to all 21 chapters or you can reach out to fraternities individually if you are only interested in a few.


If you are interested in specific chapters, consider reaching out to their recruitment chairmen through email or text. From there, you may be asked to visit with chapter members, attend a spring recruitment event, or have dinner with the men if or when they visit your hometown. All IFC recruitment should be alcohol-free. If you have questions about your recruitment experience or what your next step should be, contact IFC Vice President of Recruitment Operations, Sean Hoffmans.

If you have recently received a bid from one of the 21 IFC fraternities, congratulations! Throughout this spring and summer, recruitment chairmen will be extending invitations to join their fraternity. This invitation is often called a bid and may be verbally extended or in a written communication (email, letter, etc.). The chapter will provide a bid card with your name on it, ensuring your spot in their chapter for the fall semester. This is what binds you to their chapter and is an official document. Chapters with facilities may also give you a housing contract to complete.

Learn more about our community and fraternity expectations/experiences.

Get the details about how fraternity recruitment works and what you can do!

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